Spam Policy

Spammers Not Welcome Here.
AIOP-response has a ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SPAM. All SPAM complaints are taken seriously.

What spam is and what happens if you do it at AIOP-response ?
You already knew spam is bad. And as an email recipient, you know it when you see it. But spam is not only an email action.
Has so many forms. SPAM is a negative form of advertising and is HIGHLY disliked within the Internet community. You can read more about what spam is at Spamhaus. The most common form is UBE-Unsolicited Bulk Email. BUT, many things are not UBE and considered spam by most people, including us.
Here are ONLY some things we consider spam and don`t agree with, but they are more :
* Send email to people who have not specifically requested that information from you.
* Use email lists that you purchased, rented, leased, or in any way bought from a third party.
  This includes email addresses that you purchased  via coregistration.
* Post irrelevant links to your website in discussion forums, newsgroups or classifieds sites like Craigslist, Backpage.
* Send Unsolicited email through a third party in order to try to get people to sign up to your AIOP-response autoresponder managed email list, services or affiliate site.
This includes trying to get people to sign up on an AIOP-response web form that you have placed on your website OR trying to get them to email your AIOP-response autoresponder email address, or to visit a website that you market using AIOP-response in any way. Including trying to get people to sign up on an AIOP-response web form that you have placed on your website OR trying to get them to email your to AIOP-response autoresponder email address.

SPAM is considered an unethical form of Internet advertising and is becoming illegal in more and more states. In addition, SPAM can incur substantial monetary fines from any of the providers through which SPAM is directed because of the time, resources and expense it can incur for business.

If we find that you are spamming, or trying to spam, using any of our services :

    We will immediately terminate your account.
    We will refuse to refund your account.
    We will charge you money if your spamming causes any interruptions in our ability to service other customers,
    If any of our service or web site would be disrupted in anyway due to SPAM, the responsible party will be charged and billed
    $250.00 per hour  until the service is restored. Applicant may also be subject to legal action if appropriate.
    We might pursue legal action against you. (Spamming violates our service agreement.)

The sole opinion of AIOP-response is ABSOLUTE in determining any and all SPAM violations.
Note: we don't presume guilt.
We investigate all potential spam incidents thoroughly before making a decision. But once we've made a decision, we act fast.

If you have received SPAM from a AIOP-response member, please notify
Thank you, 
AIOP-response Administration